Workshop Genolier Innovation Hub.
The very fruitful workshop started with the latest news and updates related to the Genolier Innovation Hub, followed by the testimonials of our partner and stakeholders: Johnson & Johnson Innovation, Biopôle SA and Accuray. Afterwards, an interactive session was animated, in order to contribute to enriching the proposals of services and onsite activities of the Genolier Innovation Hub. Thanks to our “collective intelligence”, this get-together made it possible to produce efficient and strategic inputs and to identify a number of potential measures to optimize our project and respond to all partner’s needs.
We have welcomed 71 participants from 47 companies active in medtech, pharma and biosciences fields.
Three moderators and five flying moderators have covered three distinct themes:
- Working in the Hub
- Learning in the Hub
- Living in the Hub
Participants were divided in three groups. Each group has contributed to each theme of discussion.
Thanks to your contribution during this workshop, the main points to highlight are:
- In terms of scientific and medical matters, the needs of the stakeholders are bound to vary significantly in function of the “size” of each company, and domain of activity. The risk to
generalize some of the needs expressed during the workshop has therefore to be weighted by the Hub’s management before any firm decision. - The “Working in the Hub” session was a very interactive discussion about topics as interactive areas and tools, IT and security, the spaces for meetings and conferences and
far more other exploiting facilities. - The “Learning in the Hub” session was a lively exchange debating on four main topics that we could summarize as HD operations, innovation transfer, transformative research, and
education. - The “Living in the Hub” theme was a dynamic session about the topics around internal activities, the global lifestyle within the Hub, sustainability and the world-wide connection
For obvious reasons, this review can’t be exhaustive but we can nevertheless pinpoint the
following inputs.
Those precious ideas and inputs have contributed to the success of this workshop and to the
building of the Hub. All these considerations will be taken into account all along the development
of the Hub, in terms of both structural design and integrated functionalities.